Startup Blogs: 15 Top Blogs Every Entrepreneur Should Follow

11 Min Read

When you are just starting your business, even if you are an experienced entrepreneur, you will face many challenges. It is because the market is highly volatile and in constant change, and you need to keep up with the pace.

That is why you will need all the help you can get. You can try searching for info in the newspapers, online magazines, specialized portals, etc. But one type of content differentiates from all others – startup blogs are your first line of information.

They’re written by actual entrepreneurs and startup teams and contain concise info without much fluff because they know what is the most important for all new business owners. In business start-up blogs you will find experiences from real people and their insight into business development.

You will also receive advice about your course of action and how to deal with unpredicted situations. Blogs for startups provide you with tips, tools, and techniques you can use to boost your business with maximum return on your time and effort.

So, here is the list of the 15 best startup blogs to follow for every entrepreneur out there:

1. Moz Blog

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This is one of the best startup blogs that mainly focus on (digital) marketing. Moz is worldwide known for developing and implementing a website rating system called domain authority (DA) that predicts the likeness of site appearance in SERPS. It offers marketing tips, tricks, and advice for entrepreneurs at every experience level.

2. Neil Patel’s Blog

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Neil Patel is one of the most influential SEO entrepreneurs in the world. His digital marketing agency ranked thousands of companies in the number 1 place on Google search. He is an inspirational speaker, and his every post is full of real-life examples and research data. On this blog, you will learn everything you need to know about digital marketing strategy and generating e-commerce sales by increasing reach and leads.

3. Groove Blog

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Our list of best startup blogs needs to include at least one about customer service. We’ve chosen Groove because it is a help desk software provider with a great blog section called “Founder’s Diary”.

What this section makes so good for the new entrepreneur is that it is heavily focused on storytelling and real-world examples, with many of the articles featuring personal stories and experiences from entrepreneurs and business owners. You can read many case studies that can be later applied to your business.

4. HubSpot Blog

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Ever heard the term inbound marketing? If you are, know the HubSpot team coined that phrase and even wrote a book about it. Inbound marketing is referring to personalizing your offer and attracting customers by giving them solutions to their problems.

They developed tools that backed up their (inbound) marketing strategy and managed to successfully grow their business showing the world that their theory can be applied in real life.

On the HubSpot blog, you can find a wide range of content, from articles and guides to tutorials. Besides inbound marketing, they are covering topics such as email marketing, social media, and customer experience. HubSpot blog is focused on providing actionable advice and practical tips for marketers, salespeople, and customer service professionals.

5. Startup CFO Blog

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Maybe your business won’t be successful, and you will be forced to quit working in a particular niche, or you found other niches more profitable and want to switch to them. Those are all possibilities when it comes to startups.

So this blog provides you with information about exit strategies, developed for changing the niches or completely shutting down the business with the least damage taken. Here you will find a lot of tips and tricks on how to minimize your losses.

6. Single Grain

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Single Grain is a digital marketing agency that works with big companies like Uber and Amazon, so their blog section is real gold for small business owners. Their blog will keep you up-to-date on the latest marketing strategies, and provide you with tested tactics for SEO, PPC advertising, and content marketing.

Single Grain blog often features contributions from experts and leaders in the digital marketing and entrepreneurship communities.

7. Startup Stockpile

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The next on our list of blogs for startups is Startup Stockpile. There you can find tips, tricks, and tools you can use to start and boost your business.

The great thing about this blog is the formatting of the articles. They are already edited for fast readability, so you can skim the content and see what you will learn from chosen article. Startup Stockpile doesn’t write about abstract concepts, only hacks entrepreneurs and business owners can use.

8. MailMunch Blog

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On this blog, you will find online marketing tools for building email lists, running email campaigns, and reaching new customers. The blog’s writers often break down real-world examples and advice and write their own experiences in email marketing.

9. Social Triggers Blog

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To be a successful marketer, you need to have a good understanding of human behavior, so psychology will be of much use to entrepreneurs. One of the best blogs about startups that focuses on psychology is Social Triggers, founded and written by Derek Halpern, an entrepreneur, marketer, and author who is known for his expertise in the field of online marketing.

Social Triggers also offers online courses and coaching services for entrepreneurs.

10. Buffer Blog

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One more blog that is a great source for material related to social marketing is Buffer. Its founders created an incredibly intuitive platform businesses, agencies, and entrepreneurs can use to manage and grow their social media presence.

One of the unique aspects of the Buffer Blog is its commitment to transparency. Buffer frequently shares details about its own social media marketing strategies and experiments, as well as insights into industry trends and best practices.

On this blog, you will often find webinars or whitepapers with case studies that can be downloaded for a free or small fee. Buffer blog is a trusted source of online marketing techniques for numerous small and big business owners worldwide.

11. PipelineDeals Blog

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PipelineDeals blog is the official blog of PipelineDeals, a customer relationship management (CRM) software platform designed to help small and medium-sized businesses to organize, track, and manage leads.

It is tailored for new businesses, and you will find lots of articles about overcoming unique challenges smaller startups are facing, such as limited resources and a need for cost-effective solutions.

12. GatherUp Blog

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This is the official blog of GatherUp, a reputation management and customer experience platform that helps small businesses do two critical things: gather customer feedback and grow their online reputation.

The topics articles published on this blog cover various techniques for building an online reputation, such as online reviews, local search optimization, customer feedback, and customer service best practices. You will also learn how to protect your online reputation once you build it.

13. Copyblogger Blog

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One of the best startup blogs to follow that focuses on content marketing is Copyblogger. Here you will find a variety of articles that will help you write better copy for your websites.

You will also learn about various SEO techniques that will increase your visibility on SERP and how to write highly engaging content for your audience.

14. Vero Blog

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Vero is a messaging platform that helps you create better marketing strategies. It covers a wide range of topics related to email marketing, including email automation, email design, email segmentation, and email analytics.

They offer tips and tricks to improve your email conversion rates. The blog’s writers provide practical advice on how to use data to personalize and target email campaigns.

15. Quuu Blog

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This is the official blog of the Quuu startup that developed an automated tool that helps businesses to find and share high-quality content on social media.

They usually blog about their startup growth and describe the mistakes they make and the good things they do along the way.

Best Startup Blogs: Final Words

As we already said, new business owners and entrepreneurs will need any source of information they can find. These blogs are well-organized and easy to navigate, so it won’t take too much time to find what you are searching for.

We hope we covered all the important topics with our recommendations for the best startup blogs to follow. If you think we missed something, let us know in the comments!

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