Charities For Female Entrepreneurs: Cherie Blair Foundation (2023)

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We have a special surprise for you this month. We will present you with one of the best charities for female entrepreneurs. Cherie Blair Foundation is dedicated to boosting women’s confidence, supporting their ideas, and offering financial support for creating women-powered startups. 

 “Giving women the chance to become financially independent and make the most of their talents is the key to higher living standards and stronger economies.”

How does Cherie Blair Foundation work?

Since its beginning in 2008, they helped over 230 thousand women in over 100 countries worldwide. It is one of the most successful charities for female entrepreneurs because it works closely with local organizations and financial institutions that can help your business directly. Besides that, they provide business training and mentoring program to help you start and keep your business on the right track.

Apart from that, Cherie Blair charity will provide financial aid and advice for funds management for female entrepreneurs. They will provide all the necessary boost a young company needs at its start.

charities for female entrepreneurs cherie blair
Image: Cherie Blair Foundation site

What programs the Cherie Blair Foundation offers?

One of the best things Cherie Blair Foundation provides to female entrepreneurs is “HerVenture”, a business skills mobile app. Inside it, users can find complete business training they will ever need.

Besides the business app, this charity provides a complete online mentorship program for everyone interested. Users can get in touch with successful businesswomen all over the world, and receive feedback and support.

They also have two types of training named “Road to finance” and “Road to leadership”.

The “Road to finance” training gives women entrepreneurs a list of every business financing option and tools to access them. This training will also teach them how to create a financial plan and communicate with potential lenders and investors. 

On the other hand, the “Road to leadership” training will provide you with important bits of advice on how to get into a managing position inside the company. Some of the fundamental things you will learn are how to be more confident, how to use communication tools, how to collaborate with different stakeholders, how to create and implement strategies, etc.

How to get involved in charities for female entrepreneurs

The best method to support the work of the Cherie Blair Foundation is to donate through their website. There you can find inspirational stories about female business owners that received help from this charity.

You can also apply for a volunteer if you want to help directly.

If you are an organization and you want to get involved with Cherie Blair Foundation, you can become a partner and support their work financially or by providing experts that will do counseling work pro bono.

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