Women Niches: 6 Most Popular Niches For Female Businesses

9 Min Read

Female entrepreneurs are trendy these days! If you are a woman, and have a business idea, this is the right time for a startup. We wanted to help you by picking 6 women niches for you to start with.

Of course, those niches aren’t meant for women only; anyone can start a business in those industries. The reason why those are called “women niches” is that they are more suitable for female sensibility.

Female-run businesses

Today is much easier for a woman to start her own business driven by a potentially profitable idea. Also, they are more included in male-dominated industries where they finally get top positions within the companies.

Reviews showed that, in the first quarter of 2018, women made up over 30% of new board directors in 3000 publicly traded firms in the US. That is the highest percentage in at least ten years.

The good news for all the females who want to start their business in numerous crowdfunding platforms (some of them are founded specifically for aiding female-run businesses) from which they can get starting capital and various valuable information about running the business. You can also find microcredit organizations that sponsor female entrepreneurs and women-only support groups such as Women Who Start Up.

Now that you know which organizations can back up your efforts, it is time to present you women niches we picked for you. Hopefully, everyone will find something inspirational among these ideas.

women niches
Photo: Shutterstock

1. STEM-related women niches

Biologically, women are better when it comes to critical thinking and problem-solving. Those are the traits highly needed in the STEM field. STEM represents an acronym for science, technology, engineering, and math.

Schools, governments, and workplaces around the world, already started campaigns to include more women in those industries. Based on that info, we can conclude that in the future will be many young girls who will need support in STEM-related skills. 

You can take advantage of the opportunity. If you possess advanced knowledge in any of those industries, you can create an online course and start tutoring trainees. Or you can start a blog and YouTube channel to help females discover science, technology, engineering, and mathematics at a beginner level.

2. Personal development and coaching

Let’s be honest, women are always looking for ways to improve themselves. They are constantly trying to change something, so they explore more feelings and emotions.

This women niche includes life coaching, career coaching, and relationship coaching.  

If you are communicative, have attention to detail, and having good listening skills, helping other people can be the right career path for you. A lot of people these days are looking for guidance on school, work, a relationship, etc.

3. Health and fitness

Women are often the primary caregivers in their families and are more conscious about their health. Look at any well-known social influencer operating in this niche, and you’ll find that most of them are women. This niche includes fitness, nutrition, yoga, meditation, and alternative medicine.

You can start by opening women-only gyms where the females have a piece of quiet to work on their minds and bodies. Many females feel uncomfortable when working out in a room full of men, and they can easily be distracted from the proper exercise. If you can secure calming environment, you won’t have trouble acquiring customers.

If you go into this type of business, remember that a nicely created and placed marketing campaign can work wonders. Anyway, you will need a lot of time and effort to get on the right track, but persistence is the key.

Besides owning a gym, there are other business opportunities. You could start an affiliate site, providing reviews and testimonials of a range of health and fitness goods. Or you could take over an existing online business and turn to dropshipping health and fitness products for a profit.

One more idea that can get you a lot of cash is creating a YouTube channel where you will upload persona training videos meant specifically for women. In those videos, you could give them a full range of bits of advice for gaining the perfect body.

4. Education and tutoring

Women are often the ones who help their children with their homework. They also show more interest in continuing their education or learning new skills.

If you are ready to work as a tutor, you can do that from home. You only need to register on sites like Skooli and wait for your first gig.

Before starting anything, be sure you are ready to transfer your knowledge to someone else, and you are skillful enough. You don’t want to lose your time if you aren’t fond of this kind of job.

If you know women who share your interests, you can create a startup that will offer various education and tutoring services.

women niche
Photo: Shutterstock

5. Jewelry

Women love to look and feel good, so the fashion industry, with an emphasis on jewelry making, is a safe bet when choosing women niches.

The jewelry industry has evolved over the years and nowadays is more different than it was, say, 50 years ago.

For example, the sale of a jewelry subscription box is increasing in popularity. With boxes ranging from as little as $7 on the lower end of the scale and as much as $25k per quarter in some places, it’s a very profitable niche.

One more profitable business inside the jewelry niche could be producing eco-friendly rings, necklaces, and brooches. More and more people have been aware of global warming, climate change, and sustainability and are looking for environmentally-friendly products.

6. Pets as a women niche

The pet industry doesn’t need a special presentation. The only important thing to mention is that the pet industry will continue to be relevant in the coming years, so it can be a lucrative business idea.

Within the pet niche, there are a lot of various things you can do. You can open a pet store, but not for dogs or cats, as there are already too many of those stores. Instead, you can specialize in rare species, birds, or just fishes.

Many women love to trim pets, so you can open a pet salon for grooming, or a pet hotel, so owners have a place to leave their pets while they are away. You can also start a pet walking startup and offer those services to owners.


Our blog can offer advice on women niches and starting guidelines, but everything else will be up to you.

You all need to be motivated to start your own business and find your place under the sun. That path will be full of obstacles, but you can count on support at every step, just need to know where to look for.

Remember, being a woman isn’t a disadvantage when starting up a business; you are as equally skillful as men. And you will succeed if you employ all the resources you have at your disposal.

Good luck!

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