Which Targeting Option Is Best For Influencing Consideration

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Photo: Dean Long

In the dynamic landscape of digital marketing, understanding the various targeting options available can significantly enhance your marketing strategy. By choosing the right targeting option, you can reach your ideal customer more efficiently, communicate your value proposition effectively, and boost conversion rates.

The process of influencing consideration is critical to converting potential customers. It’s the step where consumers move from mere awareness of your brand to seriously considering purchasing your product or service. To facilitate this journey, businesses must adopt a robust targeting strategy that addresses customers’ unique needs and preferences.

This guide will provide a comprehensive review of all the targeting options available, how they can be optimally utilized to influence consideration, and which targeting option is best for influencing consideration.

1. Behavioral Targeting

Behavioral targeting pivots on the browsing behavior, search history, and overall online activity of internet users. Data collected from these activities is utilized to create a user interest profile, which is subsequently used to show them customized advertisements. This type of targeting profoundly impacts the consideration stage as it presents ads relevant to what users have previously expressed interest in, consequently increasing the likelihood of contemplating your product or service.

Furthermore, it creates a personalized user experience, making potential customers feel understood and catered to, enhancing their connection with your brand.

which targeting option is best for influencing consideration
Photo: Dean Long

2. Demographic Targeting

Demographic targeting segments the market based on distinct variables such as age, gender, income, ethnicity, and occupation. It enables businesses to aim their ads at a specific demographic group likely to be interested in their offerings. Demographic targeting greatly influences consideration by ensuring that your product or service is visible to those most likely to need or want it.

It removes the ambiguity in marketing messages, directly addressing a group whose needs align with your product or service. This specificity increases the relevance of your advertisements, making them more persuasive.

3. Geographic Targeting

Geographic targeting, otherwise known as geotargeting, involves presenting different content to users contingent on their location. This location can be as broad as a country or as narrow as a zip code. This technique is beneficial when your product or service is designed to meet the requirements of customers in a specific location, or if there are varying demands across different regions.

Geographic targeting allows for tailored messaging that resonates with local cultures, traditions, or needs, fostering a deeper connection with potential customers and increasing the chances of influencing consideration.

4. Contextual Targeting

Contextual targeting involves positioning ads on websites or platforms that share a common theme with your product or service. For instance, advertising a new cookbook on a food blog. This technique is impactful in influencing consideration as it reaches individuals already interested in a related topic.

It leverages the existing interest of the audience, meaning they are more likely to consider your offering as it relates to their current activity or interest. The targeted nature of contextual ads means they are non-intrusive, blending seamlessly into the user’s browsing experience and positively affecting their perception of your brand.

5. Psychographic Targeting

Psychographic targeting segments the market based on lifestyle, personality characteristics, attitudes, and interests. It empowers businesses to tailor their advertising to align with the psychological profile of their target audience. Psychographic targeting can powerfully influence consideration by creating a more profound connection between the brand and its potential customers.

By targeting the attitudes, interests, and behaviors of consumers, it makes the advertising more relatable and engaging, stimulating a more profound emotional response and making a potential customer more likely to consider the offering.

6. Retargeting

Retargeting entails targeting individuals who have already interacted with your brand or visited your website. This method can substantially influence consideration as it targets individuals already acquainted with your brand and have shown interest in your offerings. Retargeting acts as a reminder to these individuals, reinforcing the brand’s value proposition, and urging them to revisit their consideration.

This persistent presence keeps your brand at the top of the consumers’ minds, increasing the likelihood of them moving from consideration to decision-making.

7. Lookalike Targeting

Lookalike targeting involves formulating a ‘lookalike’ audience sharing similar characteristics with your existing customers. These traits can be demographic, psychographic, or behavioral. This strategy effectively influences consideration by targeting people who are more likely to be interested in your product or service, based on their similarities with your current customers.

Lookalike targeting allows you to expand your potential customer base while maintaining a level of personalization and relevance in your advertisements.

Why Influencing Consideration is Necessary

Influencing consideration is a fundamental part of the customer’s journey and plays a crucial role in a successful marketing strategy for several reasons.

  1. Informed Decision Making: The consideration stage is where consumers weigh their options before making a purchase decision. It’s when they take a closer look at what your business has to offer compared to your competitors. By effectively influencing consideration, you can guide customers to make informed decisions that favor your products or services.
  2. Increasing Brand Preference: Influencing consideration is necessary to increase brand preference. It’s the perfect opportunity for businesses to communicate their unique selling propositions, values, and benefits clearly. By doing so, potential customers are more likely to prefer your brand over others.
  3. Building Brand Loyalty: This process isn’t just about making a sale; it’s about creating a long-term relationship with the customer. When businesses successfully influence consideration, they build deeper connections with their customers, boosting customer loyalty, and encouraging repeat business.
  4. Navigating High Competition: The digital era presents consumers with an extensive array of choices, making the purchase decision-making process more complex. By effectively influencing consideration, you can set your brand apart in a highly competitive market, increasing your likelihood of securing the sale.
  5. Increasing Conversion Rates: Ultimately, influencing consideration contributes to higher conversion rates. When consumers are given the right information and are guided effectively during the consideration stage, they are more likely to complete the purchase. This will increase your conversion rates and overall business performance.
  6. Driving Customer Advocacy: Influencing consideration also boosts customer advocacy. When customers find value in your brand during the consideration phase, they’re not only more likely to purchase but also more likely to recommend your brand to others, further amplifying your reach and impact.

Thus, influencing consideration isn’t merely about encouraging a purchase decision in your favor; it’s a strategic approach to establish a positive and lasting relationship with customers, enhance brand loyalty, and secure a competitive edge in the market.


Understanding and leveraging diverse targeting options is the cornerstone of a successful marketing strategy. By identifying the best targeting methods fitting your business, you can effectively influence consideration, elevate conversions, and construct a more robust brand.

Remember, the secret to successful targeting lies in comprehending your audience—their behaviors, preferences, needs, and desires. When your targeting strategy aligns with these elements, you’re setting the stage for effectively influencing consideration, and ultimately driving success for your business.

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