Does technology equal efficiency? Has implementing new technology increased efficiency everywhere? Or has technology made people less efficient?
Wherever you look, you can see that we are surrounded by tech. It is incorporated into every aspect of our lives and helped us achieve unimaginable things. But can we tell that all technology is productivity-friendly?
We become dependent on our phones and too much rely on apps and software to complete everyday tasks. It is estimated that the average smartphone user has 60-90 apps installed and spends around 2h 15m on their phone every day. We are having every info we need in the palm of our hand as far as several taps away. So, how can we say is technology making people less productive? Let’s review the facts for both claims.

The argument for technology
When we are talking about what good technology did for us, we can include these advantages. Technology can automate tasks, provide real-time data and communication, and streamline processes. It can also improve collaboration, allowing people to work together more effectively regardless of location.
There is no reason to fear technology that helps us to focus and complete our work. There aren’t many jobs that don’t require a personal computer, tablet, laptop, or smartphone. The majority of the working class cannot imagine a business day without one of those gadgets.
All those techs give us access to a wealth of knowledge. We can learn about and fact-check everything that we encounter. And all that for free (usually)!
At the same time, we can communicate with our stakeholders from any location while at the same time collaborating with all our colleagues. We are not bound to one location and a timeframe. We can do business from anywhere and at any time.
When putting things in perspective, we can conclude that technology gave us numerous benefits related to business. In our pocket, we now have all the business contacts we need, calendars with our schedules and notifications, and access to email from every point with an internet connection. A fantastic thing for every work is a cloud-based software. It enables us to store all kinds of information on remote servers that are accessible to everyone.
Not to mention conferencing technology that enables us to hold meetings with anyone from any part of the world. And all that while having access to any piece of information we need to be successful.
We can conclude that technology has revolutionized the business world in the last few decades. But it’s not without its downsides.
The argument against technology
Probably the biggest problem related to technology is a distraction. It leads to a loss of focus and decreased productivity. For example, the constant notifications from emails and social media can interrupt work and cause people to switch between tasks, reducing their overall efficiency.
There needs to be a distinction between being busy on a device and getting things done. People often wander off while searching for something and end up researching something completely different, unconnected to the actual job they were assigned. It is very hard to keep focus on work tasks if you are constantly interrupted by various notifications and tasks.
Also, you are now available for work 24/7 and constantly getting new tasks and responsibilities, so it is very hard to disconnect from work. That can lead to stressful situations and burnout if you cannot find the time to switch off from your work.
One more downside of technology is that we are now more alienated from each other than ever. See how people come to coffee shops to sit and all they do is look at their phones. They don’t even speak a word to each other.
So, is technology making us less productive or not? It is debatable, but the fact is that if we want to make the most of tech to improve our productivity, we must learn to practice self-discipline.
The impact of tech on education
At the first glance, technology didn’t change the educational system too much. We still have classrooms where a teacher stands at the front and speaks to an audience of students. True, many of them now have laptops where they keep their notes, but is that all?
If you look closely, you will see how tech improved the educational system by making it more accessible, engaging, and effective.
For a start, technology improved access to information for teachers and students. Of course, we cannot trust everything we read online, but there are plenty of highly reputable educational portals that rigorously check all the facts published on them. Those portals can be used as a learning aid in every field.
Technology makes it much easier for students to collaborate on projects. Cloud-based tools such as Google Docs and Sheets are excellent for group projects. Technology promotes cooperation between students in every aspect.
Teachers often say that technology has made it possible to personalize learning for students. Online platforms and tools can track student progress and provide personalized feedback, which can help students to learn at their own pace. Learning these days are much more interactive and engaging. We now have a lot of educational games, videos, and simulations that make learning more fun and interesting. We can say that technology brought many benefits to education.
The role of technology for entrepreneurs
When we are talking about “has technology made people less efficient”, we cannot forget about entrepreneurs. Do they use technology efficiently or not?
At least, we can with certainty conclude that entrepreneurs can now start their work much faster than, let’s say, 20 years ago. If you are proactive enough, you can begin with various types of businesses with just a website and social media accounts.
For website development, you need just a domain name and template you can find online. That means, if you are into selling something, you can set up a website on your own in a few days and start advertising on social networks as soon as the site is up and running. It makes you an entrepreneur in no time!
If you need to learn new skills, such as search engine optimization or other business-related talents, you can take a free online course with an organization like FutureLearn. It is also much easier to find qualified workers and employ them. You can even work with people from all over the world and give them tasks that don’t require a physical presence in the office.
All these facts tell us that tech is helping entrepreneurs immensely in the terms of cutting costs and providing expertise. But, is technology making us less productive if we are enthusiastic entrepreneurs?
It all depends on the people’s character. If you are able to put aside all the distractions and concentrate on your work, you can pump up your productivity. But if you are rather busy researching stuff that isn’t connected to your business and surfing the internet meaninglessly, you are losing the edge, and your startup will suffer.
Overall, technology has played a vital role in enabling and supporting entrepreneurship, making it easier, faster, and more efficient to start and run a business. If you can use the latest technology to your advantage, you can stay ahead of the competition, reach new markets, and grow your business.
Is technology getting out of control?
Many of us have seen dystopian movies (like a Terminator) and series (i.e. Black Mirror) where technology went rogue and threaten humankind. But how possible are those scenarios?
Facebook recently abandoned an experiment after two AI programs started communicating with each other in a strange language only they understood. And one of the greatest scientists in history, Stephen Hawking, believed that rapid technological advances, paired with the aggressive instincts of humans, could ultimately threaten our survival.
For now, we are just in a transitioning period where AI is benevolent and subdued to our will and needs. We cannot know what will be the next major breakthrough and how will affect the human-tech relationship. It can go either way – or humans will have superpowers or stuck in the Matrix. But that’s a future so distant neither one of us will be alive to see it.
Is technology making us less productive debate
Two of the most frequently asked questions about technology are:
- Has technology made people less efficient?
- Is technology making people less productive?
Technology is very much what you make of it, and while it’s undoubtedly addictive, it’s opened up infinite possibilities and much easier ways of doing things. So while technology can be a powerful tool for increasing efficiency, it is important to use it carefully and avoid becoming overly reliant on it to the point where it interferes with our productivity.