How to Get Your Invention Built: A Step-by-Step Guide

3 Min Read

You might be surprised to learn that only 2-3% of patents ever make it to market, but with the right strategy, you can beat those odds.

Start by thoroughly researching your target market and identifying the problem your invention solves. Create detailed designs and test functional prototypes to refine your concept.

You’ll also need to secure funding, investigate manufacturing options, and develop a thorough IP protection plan. While the process can be challenging, the rewards of seeing your invention come to life are well worth the effort.

Is it Hard to Get an Invention Built?

Getting an invention built is rarely easy, but it’s definitely possible with the right approach and resources. You’ll need to invest time and effort into researching, planning, and executing your vision.

This involves developing a clear concept, creating prototypes, securing funding, and finding reliable manufacturers. While challenges may arise, stay focused on your goal and be persistent in pursuing it.

How Do I Prepare My Invention Idea for Production?

Before you can bring your invention to market, you’ll need to thoroughly prepare your idea for production.

Create detailed drawings and prototypes to refine your design. Research materials and manufacturing processes to determine the most cost-effective approach.

Develop a clear plan for mass production, including sourcing components and finding a reliable manufacturer. With careful preparation, you’ll be ready to turn your vision into reality.

What Are the Different Ways to Protect Your Invention?

To safeguard your invention and prevent others from copying or profiting off your idea, you’ll need to investigate the various legal protections available to inventors. Here’s a table outlining some key options:

Protection TypeDurationCost
Provisional Patent1 year$
Utility Patent20 years$$$
Design Patent15 years$$

Consider filing a provisional patent application to establish a priority date. Research which type of patent best suits your invention.

Should I Create a Prototype of My Invention?

Building a prototype of your invention is a crucial step that can help validate your concept and attract potential investors or licensees.

It allows you to test and refine your design, ensuring it works as intended. You can create a basic prototype yourself or hire a professional.

Having a tangible model demonstrates your invention’s feasibility and marketability, increasing its chances of success.

How Much Does It Cost to Get an Invention Built?

The cost of getting your invention built varies depending on factors like complexity, materials, and whether you DIY or hire professionals.

Expenses may include:

  • Prototyping materials and tools
  • Professional design and engineering services
  • Manufacturing setup costs
  • Ongoing production expenses

To minimize costs, consider starting simple, using off-the-shelf components when possible, and learning key skills to handle more of the process yourself.

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