How To Start A Podcast With No Audience: Full 6-Steps Guide

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Photo: Pexels

So, you have a great idea for a podcast but no audience to share it with yet? Not to worry, we’ve all been there! Starting a podcast with no audience can seem intimidating, but with strategic planning, persistent effort, and a bit of patience, you can reach the right listeners and grow your audience base. This comprehensive guide will cover every aspect of the process, providing the insights you need to launch your podcast successfully and nurture an engaged audience. So, let’s see how to start a podcast with no audience.

Understanding Podcasting

Podcasting is a compelling form of digital media that has been growing exponentially over the past few years. Similar to traditional radio shows, podcasts offer a wide array of content, ranging from news and storytelling to educational lectures and comedy skits. However, unlike radio shows, podcasts are primarily distributed digitally, allowing listeners to consume content at their convenience.

A podcast is an episodic series of spoken-word content, which a user can download or stream to their computer, smartphone, or any portable media device. This format’s digital nature provides a great deal of flexibility, allowing listeners to subscribe to their favorite shows and consume content on-demand. They can pause, rewind, or skip segments as they wish, making it a personalized and highly engaging medium.

The beauty of podcasts lies in their simplicity and accessibility. Essentially, anyone with a microphone, a computer, and an internet connection can create a podcast. The low barriers to entry have led to a proliferation of podcasts covering every imaginable topic. From niche subjects like birdwatching or antique collecting to broad themes such as politics, science, or culture, there’s a podcast out there for everyone.

how to start a podcast with no audience
Photo: Pixabay

Moreover, podcasts offer a unique way for individuals and organizations to express their thoughts, share their expertise, and connect with a global audience. They can help establish thought leadership, build a community, and even serve as a marketing tool for businesses.

However, podcasting is more than just recording audio files and uploading them on the internet. It involves identifying your niche, understanding your target audience, creating engaging content, and promoting your show to reach the right listeners. It requires strategic planning, consistency, and patience. But with the right approach, podcasting can be a rewarding endeavor, allowing you to share your passion, influence others, and create an impact.

1. Identifying Your Niche

The first step in starting a podcast is identifying your niche. You need to find a subject that you’re passionate about and that you believe will interest others. Think about your skills, knowledge, and areas of expertise. What are you passionate about? What are you good at? What unique perspective can you bring to the table?

Identifying a niche is more than just choosing a subject you like. It’s about finding a space where you can provide value and stand out. This requires researching existing podcasts in your field of interest, understanding your potential audience’s needs and preferences, and finding a unique angle or approach that sets your podcast apart. Your niche should not only guide your content but should also make it easier to target and connect with your potential audience.

2. Planning Your Content

Once you’ve identified your niche, you need to start planning your content. Think about the format of your podcast. Will you host it alone or with a co-host? Will you interview guests or is it more of a solo commentary? The format you choose will depend on your comfort level, your subject matter, and your audience’s preferences.

You also need to decide on the length and frequency of your episodes. Podcasts can range from brief 10-minute episodes to hour-long deep-dives. Similarly, you can choose to release new episodes daily, weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly. Your decision should be guided by the nature of your content, your production capacity, and what your audience is likely to prefer.

3. Recording and Editing

Good audio quality is crucial for a successful podcast. Invest in a good quality microphone to ensure your sound is clear and professional. A pop filter can also be beneficial for reducing unwanted noise.

When it comes to recording and editing your podcast, there are numerous software options available. Free programs like Audacity provide basic recording and editing functions, while more sophisticated software like Adobe Audition offers advanced editing features.

Remember to select a quiet and echo-free environment for recording to minimize background noise. When editing, focus on ensuring clear, clean audio that provides a pleasant listening experience.

4. Creating a Catchy Podcast Name and Artwork

Your podcast’s name and artwork are the first things potential listeners will see, so they need to be engaging and representative of your content. Your podcast’s name should be catchy, memorable, and give some indication of what your podcast is about.

Artwork, on the other hand, should be visually appealing and capture the essence of your podcast. It’s worth investing in professional design services if you’re not comfortable creating the artwork yourself. Both the name and artwork should reflect your podcast’s identity and appeal to your target audience.

starting a podcast
Photo: Pixabay

5. Hosting and Distribution

Once you’ve created your podcast, you need a place to host it. Podcast hosting platforms like Buzzsprout, Libsyn, and Podbean store your audio files and allow your podcast to be distributed to various podcast directories like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Podcasts.

Choosing a hosting service comes down to considering the storage options, cost, ease of use, customer service, and distribution capabilities. Research different platforms, weigh the pros and cons, and choose one that best fits your needs.

6. Promotion

Even with great content, your podcast won’t grow if people don’t know about it. That’s where promotion comes in. Leverage your existing networks and social media channels to announce your podcast. Engage with your audience by responding to comments and encouraging feedback.

Guesting on other podcasts or collaborating with influencers in your niche can also help expand your reach. Additionally, consider investing in podcast promotion services or advertising to boost your visibility.


Launching a podcast with no existing audience can seem like a daunting task, but remember, everyone starts somewhere. The key is to focus on delivering valuable, engaging content that speaks to your target audience. Be patient, consistent, and genuine in your efforts. Over time, with strategic planning and persistent effort, you’ll see your audience grow and your podcast flourish. Remember to enjoy the journey – podcasting is not just about the numbers, it’s about sharing your passion, connecting with others, and making your unique voice heard.

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