6 Digital Marketing Tactics for Small Businesses

Hrvoje Š.
7 Min Read

All small businesses need to have an effective and consistent digital marketing strategy to stay ahead of the competition and thrive on the vast digital business landscape.

Your digital presence is the catalyst to your business’s success since online communication is becoming the norm.

Let’s look at 6 digital marketing tactics for small businesses that can help you gain and maintain a loyal and engaging following.

Content is Key

Content consumption is becoming increasingly focused on videos as time elapses. 87% of marketers say professional video content has helped them increase their sales and leads! So, why not jump on the train and start consistently creating engaging videos that serve your customers’ purpose?

Raise your SEO (search engine optimization) by creating high-quality content that tells a story to market your business, service, and products. 

For example, create a valuable and relevant video on YouTube or another suitable social media platform. You can explain to potential buyers how your product has helped solve a particular problem for your customers. 

Showcase real-life examples and data, and ensure you provide potential new customers with an easy way to take action.

Blog it Out

Blogging is fun and deeply creative and can foster excitement and engagement on your business’s website. It also allows you to establish credibility and build a knowledgeable voice that consumers can trust. 

To make a significant impact on your customer attraction and sales, you’ll need to put your audience first in your posts, ensure they’re SEO friendly, and use the correct tone of voice.

Share articles, newsletters, videos, infographics, e-books, etc., on interesting topics that relate to your business through your blog. Advertise new additions via email and social media. 

The downside to blogging is that it requires a lot of time and a constant stream of topics to fully maintain readers’ enthusiasm and attention. This is where hiring a copywriter such as Figera Copy can help you stay on track and not neglect this form of digital marketing.

Optimize Your Social Media Presence

Many consumers rely on social media marketing to guide their purchasing decisions. Furthermore, consumers are more likely to use their smartphones and tablets to browse. Therefore, your small business should be responsive and accessible via mobile, not only via computers. 

Ask yourself which platform/s is most suitable for your particular business. For example, if you’re B2B, LinkedIn and/or Twitter will suit your needs best. If you’re a B2C business, Facebook, Instagram, and/or TikTok may be your best friends.

Create business profiles on one or two platforms to focus your energy. This allows you to more easily stay active and engaged with your consumers.

Marketing analytics and data gained from your presence on social media can help you understand and manage your SEO. Monitor your campaigns and learn the keywords your customers use. Then adjust your social media marketing strategy to rank higher on search engines.

Maximize Your Email Marketing

Email marketing will not instantly gain you a steep rise in following. However, it’s an affordable passive digital marketing strategy that will certainly gain you a loyal audience over time.

Share newsletters, special offers, announcements, discounts, and other information about your business, services, and products via email marketing. 

And make it personal! All customers love personal attention. Customize deals and coupons catered to your loyal customers based on their previous purchases and preferences. This will serve you greatly in building a bond with your customers.

Ensure you have the know-how to get this right. You should be well-informed about how to craft an effective email, the legalities of email marketing, and what your competitors are doing.

Form Partnerships

One of the best ways to boost your reach is to become involved in affiliate and influencer marketing. 

A social media influencer’s audience has deep trust in their expertise. They will purchase a product or service based solely on the influencer’s recommendation. Partnerships with popular influencers will undoubtedly build brand awareness and generate quality leads for your small business.

Build a stand-out proposal that differentiates you from other businesses. Then present it to influencers who align with your business’ vision. You’ll need to make sure their audience is similar to your target audience. This means you should do thorough research into them and their posts, pages, and platforms. 

Another relationship-based marketing strategy is forming business partnerships. Connect with other similar businesses and suggest helping each other grow. You can learn from and support each other on a low- or no-cost basis.

Lean Toward Local

Local SEO or local digital marketing is a fantastic and essential marketing option for small businesses that rely solely on local traffic or offer services locally.

The idea is that users in your immediate vicinity can simply do a casual Google search with keywords related to your company, and your business will pop up on their Google Maps.

Create a GMB (Google My Business) listing to boost visibility and credibility, and achieve better organic traffic from local searches. Avoid duplicate listings and setting up unnecessary new listings after an address change. 

Your business’s basic information should all be shown and easy to understand when you search for your business on Google Maps. This includes pictures, directions, phone numbers, business hours, etc. 

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