How to Start a Small Business Restoring Old Photographs

Hrvoje Š.
6 Min Read

Restoring old photographs is a beautiful art form that breathes new life into cherished memories. If you’re passionate about preserving history and have a keen eye for detail, starting a small business restoring old photographs could be a rewarding and profitable venture. However, embarking on this journey requires careful planning and consideration. Here you will explore the key equipment you need, common mistakes to avoid, and some essential steps to help you get started on this fulfilling journey.

Things You Need for Your Photo Restoration Studio

Setting up a photo restoration business does require large equipment costs. However, chances are you already have most of what you need to get started. Here’s a list of the essentials:

  • A computer – We hope you already have a powerful computer with plenty of memory and processing power. If not, invest in one to use the software you need without glitches or the frustration of losing all your edits.
  • A high-quality scanner – Producing high-resolution scans is essential for digitizing old prints and negatives. Look for a scanner with a wide dynamic range to capture the full spectrum of tones in the original photograph.
  • Editing software – Get a full-featured yet easy-to-use photo restoration program like PhotoGlory. It offers tools for automatic & manual repair of defects, AI-powered colorizing of black and white pictures, restoring clarity, turning negatives into positives, and much more. 
  • Hard drives – These kinds of tools allow you to store large volumes of digital images and keep your projects safe.
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Common Mistakes When Starting a Photo Restoration Business

  1. Undercharging. Don’t underestimate your services due to a lack of experience. If you do not set prices that accurately reflect the value of your work, the consequences could be serious: overwork & burnout for you and financial hardship for your company.
  2. Underestimating the restoration process. One common mistake is underestimating the time and effort required to restore old photographs. Each project is unique and may present unexpected challenges, so it’s important to allocate sufficient time for thorough restoration work.
  3. Neglecting proper storage and handling. Mishandling old photographs can lead to further damage. It’s crucial to educate yourself on proper storage and handling techniques to ensure the preservation of your clients’ precious memories.
  4. Overpromising results. Avoid overpromising the extent of restoration that can be achieved. Be honest with your clients about the limitations of the restoration process and manage their expectations accordingly.
photo gallery on laptop

Essential Steps to Open Your Business

  1. Create a Brand Image

Crafting a strong brand image is essential for standing out in the market. Choose a name that reflects the essence of your business, and design a captivating logo to establish a visual identity. Your brand should convey trust, professionalism, and a passion for preserving memories.

  1. Build a Pricing System

Determine your pricing strategy based on the complexity of the restoration work, the size of the photographs, and the level of detail required. Consider offering different packages (basic restoration, color correction, extensive repairs, etc.) to cater to various clients and budgets. Research the pricing of other photo restoration businesses in your area to ensure your rates are competitive yet reflect the quality and expertise you offer.

  1. Run the Business Officially

Register your small business and obtain any necessary licenses or permits required in your local area to operate legally. Consider setting up a professional website to showcase your portfolio, services, and pricing. Establishing a clear and professional online presence will instill confidence in potential clients.

  1. Marketing and Networking

Utilize social media platforms such as Instagram and Facebook to showcase your restored photographs and engage with potential customers. Consider offering promotions or discounts for the first few clients to generate initial buzz. Networking with local photography clubs, historical societies, and event planners can also lead to valuable partnerships and referrals.

  1. Deliver Exceptional Customer Service

Building a reputation for exceptional customer service is a must. From the initial consultation to the delivery of the restored photographs, aim to provide a seamless and personalized experience for your clients. A satisfied customer is likely to recommend your services to others, contributing to the growth of your business.


Starting a small business in old photograph restoration is full of pitfalls and requires a blend of technical skill, creativity, and business acumen. By mastering the art of photo restoration, establishing a strong online presence, and delivering exceptional results, you can turn your passion for preserving memories into a successful and rewarding business. Remember, each restored photograph isn’t just an image, it’s a piece of history and a treasured memory waiting to be brought back to life. We hope that this article will help you launch your business, which will bring you great income and popularity.

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