3 Digital Skills To Survive The Future Of Work

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The Fourth Industrial Revolution has taken over and has digitally changed the way we work, think, and live—and it is here to stay!

To survive and thrive in the future of work, you need to be highly-skilled digitally. Skilled digital practitioners like data analysts, HTML5 developers, and UX designers can be confident that their professional careers will be secured.

In fact, according to the educational forum from Reimagine Education’s article, the concept of ‘tech companies’ are already non-existent as technology has now ingrained itself into business operations. It is now essentially part of an organization’s DNA.

As technology revolutionizes today’s workforce—changing job processes—it is integral that professionals do not fall behind with new advancements.

According to the World Economic Forum change won’t wait for workers, workers must learn to upskill themselves. If not, their job security could be in jeopardy.

To ensure that your future job prospects are secure, here’s a quick list of future-proofed skills to learn to benefit in the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

1: Data Analysis

Due to the increasing amount of information—big data—being produced today, businesses need to tap into data analytics.

Data analysts can extract, translate, and analyze a company’s information and its future prospects through patterns, trends and, behaviors of data sets—helping them to make well-informed business decisions.

Here are various benefits a business could attain with data analysis:

  • Brand new revenue opportunities
  • Higher
    operational efficiency
  • Effective
    marketing strategy

Now, what makes data analysis a future-proof skill? The behavioral trends and patterns, that the data gather, enable businesses to understand and skilfully implement effective strategies. In turn, these data provide customer insights and boost the company’s productivity and sales.

2: HTML5

When it comes to web designing skills, you can’t go wrong by taking up HTML5’s software web design. This markup language has essentially become the standard for digital display, as almost all digital content we see uses HTML5.

Mark Lassof, founder of the online learning platform Punk Learning, sees great potential in HTML5’s cross-platform development capabilities. In an interview with Associate for Talent Development, Lassof explains that “HTML5 is part of modern digital literacy” and being an HTML5 developer “makes you a better consumer of digital content”.

The markup language is essential in software web design, especially when it comes to HTML5 mobile application and HTML5 game developments. Its cross-platform capabilities can create documents suitable across different delivery channels and screen sizes.

With HTML5’s robust capabilities and future-proofed potential, you’re able to continuously take part in numerous web developments in the future of work.

3: UX Design

Along with the quality of services/products being offered and the credibility of the content presented, an ecommerce business’ website design is a huge factor in its success.

It is important to build and design a platform in which products or services are being showcased, catching the audience’s eye. A site’s user experience is the key to customer retention.

Therefore, the client’s user experience of an online site needs to be smooth, easy and enjoyable.

If you’re wondering about the future prospects of ecommerce, all you need to know is that the demand is staggeringly high. In fact, Oberlo’s study found that there are 2.05 billion global digital buyers this 2020, and by 2021, this number will rise to 2.14 billion. Currently, that is 25 per cent of today’s global population—7.7 billion, according to WorldOmeter.

To conclude, the future only holds promise for the ecommerce business. With the future potential of online businesses, taking up UX (User Experience Design) is a sure thing. UX involves the design of the entire process, the initial to the final stages of product development—including the branding, usability, function, and design.

The digital shift shows no signs of stopping. Professionals today need to learn to soak up and adapt to these new processes to survive in the future of work.

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Author bio: Angelica Genilo is a Content Writer for Cloud Employee, a UK-based tech talent provider in the Philippines. She writes on all things tech, from gadget reviews to the current tech news, check out her content on Cloud Employee’s blog.

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