E-commerce for Students: Top 5 Steps to Start an Online Business While in College

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Photo: Pixels

Starting your business has always been your dream, but you’re still in college and feel like now is not the right time. You’re not the only student who thinks they have to graduate first and then start their business ventures. Still, we need to beg the differ. There are some business ideas you can start working on while still in college. That includes an online e-commerce business.

With 79% of shoppers who shop online at least once a month, e-commerce is a low-risk business for students. To help you on your mission, we’ve compiled this simple guide with the top 5 steps to start an e-commerce business in college. Here are the essentials you need to cover to make it a success.

1. Find the Best Learning Resources

As a student, you don’t have any entrepreneurship or business experience. Make sure the first step is finding the best resources to gather the essential knowledge and skills you’ll need for this job.

Look for support in your college through workshops, business events, mentorship programs, collaborations with other colleges, and more. Also, find additional learning resources like:

  • online courses
  • tutorials
  • credible blogs
  • webinars
  • talks
  • interviews with experts

There are even examples of essays about entrepreneurship and business that can be great learning materials. Remember that learning will be ongoing, so never stop looking for additional resources.

2. Organize Your Time

Next, you need to see how you’ll organize your time. You need to make sure your academic success maintains the level it was at before starting a business. Consider organizing your day into different sections:

  • college, studying, classes
  • business learning, organizing, and managing
  • personal affairs

Create a weekly or monthly schedule that will help you keep track of all the academic assignments, business obligations, deadlines, and more. Be prepared to sacrifice your free time and even get academic help when you see you won’t be able to achieve it all. Grab My Essay Review is a great resource for finding academic writing help, so it’s perfect for those essays you can’t find the time to write.

3. Choose Your Niche

The next important step in this process is finding the right niche. You need to decide what type of products to sell and to whom. 

It’s best that you consider the following to make that decision:

  • what are your interests and a niche you’re familiar with
  • is there a need for such products
  • who would be your target customers

Certain niches impose a lower risk and require minimum stock, so this might be a good idea for students. That includes dropshipping, digital products, and print-on-demand. 

Photo: Pexels

4. Choose an E-Commerce Platform 

Next, you’ll need a platform to set up your e-commerce store and sell your goods. Finding the right platform means researching about:

  • the features
  • the prices
  • the type of builder
  • interface
  • customization

Start with something simple and affordable since you don’t need the pressure of massive expenses from the beginning.

Apart from this platform, you’ll also be using social media to showcase your products and engage your audience.

5. Launch & Learn

Once your business is up and running, you’ll have a lot of learning to do. Every day will be a new experience, and you’ll face a lot of ups and downs at first.

Remember that there are always ways to make things easier on yourself:

  • outsource services like social media management, marketing, graphic design, or content writing
  • partner with a friend or classmate 
  • take a semester off

It would be great if you could find the time to do a business internship before starting a business or during the summer while you’re off college. You can find more info about the benefits of making that move- from gaining confidence to building business relationships.

Final Thoughts

E-commerce is a great choice for students who are just starting a business and don’t have much to invest. Students can quickly turn their first profit with the right plan and a determined mindset. 

We hope the 5 basic steps we’ve shared above will encourage you to start your e-commerce business while in college and run it like a pro.

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