Timur Kulibaev: Pivotal Figure in the Kazakhstan Energy Sector

Hrvoje Š.
17 Min Read

Kulibaev Timur is a businessman and defender of the business community’s rights in Kazakhstan. He has actively worked on developing small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and attracting foreign investment capital to the republic. Timur Askarovich Kulibaev supports sports and is involved in charitable activities.


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Timur Kulibaev: A Biography in the World of Education

In 1966, Timur Askarovich Kulibaev was born in Almaty (known at the time as Alma-Ata, the capital of the Kazakh SSR). He attended a school with a strong emphasis on physics and mathematics.

In 1983, Kulibaev Timur Askarovich enrolled at Lomonosov MSU. He graduated in 1988.

In 1999, Timur Kulibaev, biography of whom by then had already touched on the development of the fuel and energy sector, defended his doctoral thesis focusing on the operations of an oil production company.

Timur Kulibaev: Early Career

Timur Askarovich Kulibaev
Timur Askarovich Kulibaev

In 1988, Timur Kulibaev returned to his homeland and became a research fellow at an economic research institute that operated under the State Planning Committee of the Kazakh SSR.

In 1990, Kulibaev Timur moved to a foundation supporting the republic’s development, where he became the head of its national clearing center.

From 1992 to 1995, Kulibaev Timur Askarovich was part of the top management team at the industrial-financial group Altyn-Alma. The organization later evolved into the investment holding ALMEX. Subsequently, Timur Kulibaev, biography of whom was devoted to business at the time, co-founded a bank with a group of associates and Dutch investors, where he held various positions, including management roles.

In 1997, Timur Askarovich Kulibaev spent some time in public service, leading a particular department of the national investment committee for several months. To avoid any conflicts of interest during this period, he transferred his assets to the management of others.

Kulibaev Timur Askarovich: The Oil and Gas Industry

Kulibaev Timur
Kulibaev Timur

In March 1997, the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan established Kazakhoil, a structure that consolidated the state-owned oil and gas assets. Two months later, Kulibaev Timur became its deputy head. His colleagues described him as a competent and modern leader.

After two years, Timur Kulibaev, biography of whom included work in the fuel and energy sector, took on the presidential role at the national company KazTransOil. Later, on the basis of this organization and KazTransGas, the closed joint stock company Oil and Gas Transport was established, with Kulibaev Timur Askarovich serving as its CEO from 2001 to 2002.

Subsequently, the structure he led merged with Kazakhoil to form KazMunayGas (KMG). The professional manager served as the deputy head of this national company until the fall of 2005.

In 2005, Timur Askarovich Kulibaev co-founded a major industry association, Kazenergy, leading it for the next 18 years. This association includes both local and foreign energy companies operating in the republic’s market. The manager left the organization in 2023.

Kulibaev Timur: State Assets in the Kazakhstan Energy Sector

Kulibaev Timur Askarovich
Kulibaev Timur Askarovich

Timur Kulibaev biography entered a new phase in 2006 when he was appointed deputy chairman of the board of the Samruk holding. In 2008, he assumed a similar position at the Sovereign Wealth Fund Samruk-Kazyna. By 2011, the top manager was the head member of the board of this structure. His efforts attracted significant investments to various economic sectors. During this period, he conducted an audit of innovations in national companies, improved the quality of corporate governance, and prepared for the public IPO of state assets.

At the same time, Kulibaev Timur chaired the management bodies of Samruk-Kazyna’s subsidiaries, including KazMunayGas, Kazatomprom, Samruk-Energy, Kazakhstan Railways, and KEGOC. He managed to significantly improve the financial performance of these enterprises.

Kulibaev Timur helped KMG secure a significant number of large-scale deals. For example, at the turn of 2004-2005, KazMunayGas obtained a loan of $650 million from BNP Paribas, with an interest rate that was the lowest not only in Kazakhstan but across the entire CIS region—LIBOR + 1.75% (LIBOR is the average interest rate at which London banks lend to each other in the short term. It is one of the most widely used rates in the global financial system and serves as a crucial benchmark for determining interest rates on loans and other financial instruments worldwide).

KMG, under the strategic decision-making of Timur Askarovich Kulibaev until October 2005, utilized the funds from this financial conglomerate to acquire a series of assets. Notably, the national company purchased an 8.33% stake in the Kashagan oil and gas project.

At the very beginning of 2006, KazMunayGas secured a bridging loan for 15 months at $800 million, with an even lower rate—LIBOR + 0.5%.

That same year, the national company, closely associated with Timur Kulibaev biography and strategic decisions, acquired 33% of PetroKazakhstan Inc. from the Chinese oil giant CNPC. The transaction was financed through the issuance of ten-year bonds totaling $1.372 billion.

Simultaneously, KMG purchased a 50% stake in the KazGerMunay oil and gas project for $1 billion.

Also, in July 2006, the company, formerly managed by Kulibaev Timur Askarovich, launched a thousand-kilometer oil pipeline to China, which was constructed in record time—14 months. KazMunayGas and CNPC jointly operated the pipeline on an equal basis.

Timur Askarovich Kulibaev orchestrated KMG EP’s IPO. Trading commenced after he left the management team—in October 2006—simultaneously on the London Stock Exchange (LSE) and the Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KSE), which enabled the company to secure funds for geological exploration, production, the renewal of main assets, and the acquisition of new assets.

Kulibaev Timur helped develop a new medium-term borrowing policy, which KazMunayGas’s top management approved in December 2006. The strategy aimed to develop unified standards for attracting, monitoring, and managing loans, which allowed the company to secure the most favorable loans and effectively control compliance with creditor obligations.

In January 2007, KazTransOil, a subsidiary of KazMunayGas, acquired an offshore oil terminal in Georgia for $389 million.

Timur Askarovich Kulibaev has significant experience with bonds. In 2007, the company he led issued bonds totaling $600 million. The funds raised were used to construct and modernize infrastructure.

A few months later, KMG and CNPC acquired Valsera Holdings B.V., the parent structure of PetroKazakhstan Oil Products. The enterprise, where Timur Kulibaev served as a top manager, paid $200 million.

In August 2007, KazMunayGas secured another loan, this time amounting to $1.05 billion.

December also marked an important deal supported by Timur Kulibaev. Biography of KMG was replenished with the acquisition of 50% of Nations Energy, a company owning the Karazhanbasmunai oil project. The national company purchased the asset jointly with China’s CITIC Group. The deal was valued at $930 million. The investment paid off in six years – one and a half times faster than the industry average.

Since 2008, Kulibaev Timur Askarovich has represented Kazakhstan at the United Nations-affiliated NGO the World Petroleum Council. In 2011, he also joined the board of directors of Gazprom. He left the corporation after 11 years.

Timur Askarovich Kulibaev: Improving the Business Climate in Kazakhstan

Timur Kulibaev
Timur Kulibaev

In 2010, Kulibaev Timur Askarovich was elected head of the presidium of the national economic chamber Union Atameken. At its first meeting, he urged colleagues to develop a project for amending customs laws.

In 2013, the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs Atameken was established, evolving from the existing Union Atameken framework. The NCE’s goal was to consolidate Kazakhstan’s business circles, facilitate interaction between the business community and state agencies, and improve the country’s investment climate. Kulibaev Timur became the chairman of the presidium of the new organization. He took an active part in the NCE’s activities, regularly traveling across the republic, visiting production sites, and meeting with businessmen and government officials.

In 2014, the President of Kazakhstan assigned the National Chamber two key tasks. First, the organization was to analyze the quality of public services in the country. Second, Atameken was to enhance its collaboration with both central and local governmental institutions. As part of this effort, it was decided that submissions made to the Presidential Protection of Business website would also be directed to the NCE.

Additionally, under the leadership of Kulibaev Timur Askarovich, the organization began assessing the quality of higher education in 2014. The National Chamber was charged with determining whether the qualifications of graduates met the needs of Kazakhstan’s economy.

Kulibaev Timur also launched a special program to engage SMEs in preparations for EXPO-2017 in Astana, which was allocated a budget of $2.1 billion. Pavilions covering a total area of over 47,000 square meters were constructed for the participants, with the Nur Alem sphere, measuring 80 meters in diameter, as the centerpiece. Thanks to the exhibition, SMEs were able to earn ₸640 billion. Astana welcomed 4 million visitors, including half a million from abroad, with 115 countries participating. The heads of 17 of these countries were present at the opening ceremony.

In 2015, Timur Kulibaev, biography of whom includes extensive experience in supporting entrepreneurship, initiated a project to involve rural residents in commercial activities. As part of the corresponding program, microfinance organizations were created to provide loans to start their own businesses.

The project, supported by Timur Askarovich Kulibaev, included training citizens in the basics of entrepreneurship. In 2017, 15,000 participants completed the courses, with every fifth attendee starting their own business. By the first quarter of 2022, the number of participants had risen to 180,000, with a third of them successfully launching their own firms.

In 2017, Timur Kulibaev also announced the compilation of lists of reputable manufacturers. According to him, Atameken prioritizes support for such companies in government procurement.

That same year, the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs introduced several initiatives. The organization proposed reducing taxes, increasing the accountability of officials for undue pressure on business, digitizing customs operations, and supporting the automotive and tourism industries.

In addition to other initiatives, in 2017, the Chamber adopted a joint action plan with the Supreme Court of Kazakhstan to address legal support for transactions, a more active use of pre-trial agreements, and other important issues.

In 2018, Timur Askarovich Kulibaev announced that, through the efforts of Atameken, a commission on tax disputes would be established under the Ministry of Finance, including members of the NCE.

In 2019, at the suggestion of the Chamber and Kulibaev Timur Askarovich, schools across the country introduced additional classes focused on the basics of business. After three years, a quarter of a million students had already taken this class.

In 2020, during the coronavirus-related restrictions, the chairman of the Atameken presidium met with entrepreneurs to discuss support measures. He emphasized that the Chamber would prioritize assisting those entrepreneurs who managed to retain their workforce after the quarantine was lifted.

At the same time, the NCE and the government of Kazakhstan agreed on a closer integration of the Chamber’s and government agencies’ information systems, which made it easier and more convenient for businesses to access government services online.

Kulibaev Timur left Atameken in 2022. A significant outcome of his tenure was an 80% reduction in the number of criminal cases in the economic sector. Over eight years, the NCE received tens of thousands of inquiries from the business community, with 40% achieving a positive outcome. Starting in 2021, the country began a comprehensive reform of the regulatory system.

Timur Kulibaev: Sports Functionary

Timur Askarovich Kulibaev
Timur Askarovich Kulibaev

Kulibaev Timur Askarovich has been holding top positions in various sports organizations, including the Kazakhstan Boxing Federation, for about 15 years. The businessman led the Federation from 2009 to 2019, a period during which Kazakhstani boxers achieved notable success at the Olympics. He currently holds the title of president emeritus of the organization.

In the spring of 2012, Timur Kulibaev joined the executive committee of the International Boxing Association (AIBA) and also took the helm of Kazakhstan’s Combat and Strength Sports Confederation. He also headed the National Olympic Committee from 2015 till 2024.

From 2016 to 2019, the manager helped develop water sports in Kazakhstan as the president of the relevant federation. Since 2018, he has been part of the top management of the Kazakhstan Golf Association. Beyond these roles, he contributes to the work of several structures within the International Olympic Committee.

Timur Kulibaev: Biography of a Kazakhstani Philanthropist

Timur Kulibaev, biography of whom is intertwined with large-scale business projects, allocates a significant portion of his earnings to charity. Notably, in 2019, he contributed substantial funds for the construction of a school and a kindergarten in the city of Arys, which was affected by an explosion at a local arsenal. Subsequently, the top manager funded the restoration of a preschool in the village of Auliekol in the Kostanay Region, which had been destroyed by a forest fire.

He also co-financed the construction of a residential complex in Almaty for large and low-income families.

Another of the businessman’s humanitarian projects was the construction of a desalination plant in the Mangistau Region. The facility has provided several communities with clean water. The entrepreneur’s Halyk Charity Foundation, established in 2016, allocated ₸300 million for this purpose. In this region, the foundation is also constructing sports fields and a physical culture and health complex. The complex will include a gym, spaces for martial arts, team sports, and tennis. Up to 200 people will be able to train in the sports center at the same time.

In 2023, the foundation of Timur Kulibaev allocated ₸1.8 billion to restart a grain terminal in Mangistau. The agricultural infrastructure facility was initially launched in 2010 but fell into bankruptcy eight years later. The importance of restarting this enterprise for the socio-economic development of the region was emphasized by the President of Kazakhstan.

Also, with the charitable organization’s support, a youth home was opened in Karaganda – a four-room apartment where teenagers without parental care are prepared for independent living under the supervision of a mentor. The cost of the project amounted to ₸51 million.

Over the course of its existence, the Halyk Foundation has implemented humanitarian projects totaling ₸45 billion.

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