9 Machine Learning Development Tools You Need to Know About

Hrvoje Š.
15 Min Read

Machine learning has transformed many industries by enabling computers to learn from data and experiences rather than being explicitly programmed. From image recognition to natural language processing, machine learning models can analyze vast amounts of data to make predictions and decisions.

However, developing these complex machine learning models requires specialized tools and frameworks. Choosing the right machine learning development tool allows programmers to build, train, and deploy models more efficiently. The appropriate libraries and APIs abstract away low-level details and speed up development.  Online resources like https://www.luxoft.com/services/machine-learning can provide valuable assistance in this regard.

This article will highlight 9 essential machine learning tools that programmers should know about. Whether you are just starting with machine learning or are looking to optimize your development workflow, these tools provide capabilities to streamline your work. The demand for machine learning expertise continues to rise across industries. Mastering the right development tools will prepare you to create innovative AI solutions and advance your career.

1. TensorFlow

TensorFlow is a machine learning library that has been developed by Google’s Brain team, and it is open-source. It has quickly become one of the most popular frameworks for deep learning research and application development.

TensorFlow provides a comprehensive toolbox for building various machine learning models. It supports a wide range of applications including computer vision, natural language processing, speech recognition, and neural networks.

Some key features of TensorFlow include:

  • Flexible architecture that can deploy computation across various platforms like CPUs, GPUs, and TPUs. This feature simplifies the process of implementing research models into production.
  • Strong ecosystem of tools like TensorBoard for visualization and monitoring. There are also many pre-built models and datasets available.
  • Supports different programming languages like Python, C++, Java, Go. The Python API is most commonly used.
  • Modular structure so you can build custom architectures layer-by-layer for your models. It also simplifies debugging and optimization.
  • Automated differentiation systems for computing gradients when training models like neural networks. This eliminates much manual work.

With its wide adoption, extensive documentation, and constant development, TensorFlow has become an essential tool for any machine learning practitioner today. It continues to evolve with additions like TensorFlow 2.0 bringing eager execution and a revamped API.

2. PyTorch

PyTorch is a machine learning library that is open-source and was developed by Facebook’s artificial intelligence research group. As a primary competitor to Google’s TensorFlow, PyTorch is mainly used for applications such as deep learning research and production.

Some of the key features of PyTorch include:

  • Support for GPU-accelerated tensor computations, similar to NumPy, makes it fast and easy to work with multidimensional data.
  • A pythonic programming model that allows for dynamic neural network graphs, unlike TensorFlow’s static graphs. This enables a more iterative and intuitive workflow.
  • Distributed training capabilities to leverage multiple GPUs and machines.
  • A vast ecosystem of tools and libraries to support computer vision, natural language processing, and more.

PyTorch is known for having a more pythonic programming style than TensorFlow, making it very accessible for engineers and researchers. The dynamic graphs and eagerness of PyTorch also aid rapid prototyping and experimentation. Overall, PyTorch strikes a balance between fast iteration and production readiness for scaling deep learning models.

3. Keras

Keras is an open-source neural network library focused on enabling fast experimentation and prototyping. It provides a high-level API that allows developers to quickly build and iterate on neural network models without getting bogged down in low-level details.

One of the key advantages of Keras is that it provides a simple, consistent interface for working with different backend tensor manipulation libraries like TensorFlow, CNTK, and Theano. This abstraction allows you to easily switch between different hardware and software configurations without having to rewrite your models.

Keras was designed with a focus on user-friendliness, modularity, and extensibility. It offers simple but powerful data preprocessing and augmentation built-in, along with visualization utilities to help understand your models. The API minimizes boilerplate code so you can focus on designing and training models in just a few lines of code.

Overall, Keras is a great choice for rapidly building, evaluating, and conveniently iterating on deep learning models, especially for researchers and applied ML practitioners who need to frequently test new ideas and hypotheses. Its high-level API and ability to seamlessly scale from laptops to clusters make Keras a versatile ML development tool for a variety of needs.

4. Scikit-Learn

Scikit-Learn is a popular open-source machine learning library for Python. It has become the main tool for general machine learning tasks in Python due to its ease of use and versatility.

Scikit-Learn is built on top of foundational Python scientific computing packages like NumPy, SciPy, and matplotlib. This allows it to leverage the computational efficiencies of NumPy arrays and matrix operations. The integration with matplotlib also provides useful data visualization capabilities.

Some of the key features that make Scikit-Learn such a useful ML toolkit include:

  • A variety of machine learning algorithms are available for tasks such as classification, regression, clustering, dimensionality reduction, model selection, and preprocessing.
  • A consistent API for all the algorithms based on SciKit’s estimator interface. This makes it easy to switch between different algorithms and experiment with models.
  • Useful utilities for tasks like model persistence, metrics evaluation, and hyperparameter tuning through grid search.
  • Excellent documentation and examples which are very helpful for learning ML theory and practical application.

Overall, Scikit-Learn strikes a good balance between ease of use and flexibility, without sacrificing on performance. Its breadth of algorithms and tools makes it very well-suited for general ML tasks.

5. Apache MXNet

Apache MXNet is a deep-learning framework developed by Apache. It supports popular deep learning architectures including convolutional neural networks (CNNs), recurrent neural networks (RNNs), and generative adversarial networks (GANs). One of the key capabilities of Apache MXNet is its ability to efficiently scale computation across multiple GPUs and servers, allowing for fast model training with large datasets.

Apache MXNet is highly performant and allows seamless scaling from laptops to cloud environments. Its flexible architecture allows developers to code in their choice of environments and languages. Some additional capabilities include model quantization and distributed training enhancements. Overall, Apache MXNet is an excellent choice for scaling and deploying deep learning applications in production.

6. Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit

The Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit (previously known as CNTK) is a commercial deep-learning toolkit developed by Microsoft. It allows you to build neural networks using the Python or BrainScript programming languages.

The Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit supports common neural network architectures including feedforward neural networks, convolutional neural networks (CNNs), and recurrent neural networks (RNNs). It implements stochastic gradient descent with automatic differentiation to train deep-learning models.

A key advantage of the Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit is its integration with Azure Machine Learning service. This allows you to easily deploy trained models in the cloud. It also has good performance optimizations using parallel computing across multi-core CPUs and GPUs.

The Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit is a good option if you want to build deep learning models and integrate them with other Azure services. The integration with Azure Machine Learning makes deployment straightforward.

7. H2O

H2O is an open-source platform for big data and machine learning. It provides a variety of algorithms for classification, regression, clustering, and more. H2O runs in memory with high performance and scalability across multiple nodes.

One of the key benefits of H2O is its ability to integrate with common data science languages. Data scientists can use H2O directly in R, Python, Scala, Java, JSON, or the built-in Flow notebook interface. This makes it easy to incorporate H2O into existing data workflows.

H2O implements automatic data parsing, data munging, and feature generation to simplify machine learning. The algorithms are optimized for speed and performance at scale. Some of the popular algorithms include Gradient Boosting Machine (GBM), Generalized Linear Modeling (GLM), Distributed Random Forest (DRF), Deep Learning models, and more.

Overall, H2O provides a powerful set of machine learning capabilities in an easy-to-use platform. With its focus on big data and automation, H2O enables data scientists to quickly build and deploy accurate machine learning models.

8. Amazon SageMaker

Amazon SageMaker is a fully-managed machine learning service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS). It provides a platform to streamline the building, training, and deployment of machine learning models.

Some key capabilities of Amazon SageMaker include:

  • Fully managed ML service – SageMaker removes the heavy lifting associated with each step of the machine learning workflow. Developers can build, train, and deploy models quickly without having to manage infrastructure.
  • Jupyter notebooks – SageMaker provides preconfigured Jupyter notebooks to get started quickly. Notebooks provide an interface to process data, build models, train models, deploy models, and make predictions.
  • Integrated with data storage and compute – Built-in integration with S3 for data storage and EC2 compute resources. Scale up or down compute capacity on demand to meet training or deployment requirements.
  • Managed training and deployment – SageMaker manages the ML training and deployment process end-to-end. Models are trained in a secure, repeatable manner and can be reliably deployed at scale.
  • Optimized algorithms – Prebuilt, optimized algorithms are provided to give developers a starting point. The algorithms continuously improve through new capabilities and frameworks added by AWS.
  • Real-time predictions – Deploy trained models with low latency endpoints that can provide real-time predictions at scale.

Overall, Amazon SageMaker provides a robust platform to build, train, and deploy machine learning models with greater speed and reduced complexity. Its end-to-end capabilities make it a compelling choice for ML development.

9. BigML

BigML is an automated machine learning platform offered as a cloud-based service. This makes it easy for non-technical users to build and deploy machine learning models without needing to code.

BigML provides a graphical user interface that walks you through the process of uploading your data, preparing it for modeling, and then building, evaluating, and optimizing models like random forests, boosted trees, logistic regression, and more.

Some key capabilities of BigML include:

  • Automated data pre-processing – BigML will detect data types, and handle missing values, outliers, etc automatically.
  • Automated modeling – BigML will test multiple algorithms and parameter settings to find the best-performing model for your dataset.
  • Model evaluation – The platform provides metrics like accuracy, AUC, confusion matrix, etc to evaluate model performance.
  • Model transparency – You can inspect the model logic and understand which factors are most influential in predictions.
  • Model sharing and publishing – Models can be easily shared, embedded, and published for others to use.

So for users without coding skills who want a fast and easy way to develop and deploy ML models on their data, BigML provides a complete platform with visualization and automation to make machine learning accessible.


As we’ve seen, there are many great options for machine learning development tools. TensorFlow, PyTorch, Keras, and Scikit-Learn are popular open-source libraries that are widely used by data scientists and AI researchers. MXNet, Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit, H2O, and others offer robust options for enterprise-scale deployment. And services like Amazon SageMaker and BigML provide easy-to-use platforms for building and deploying ML models in the cloud.

When selecting a platform, consider your skills and resources. TensorFlow and PyTorch offer flexibility for research and advanced development, while solutions like SageMaker optimize for ease of use. Think about scalability needs and integration with the rest of your infrastructure. Also, factor in available libraries and community support.

The most important criteria is finding a tool that enables you to quickly build, iterate, and deploy accurate ML models. With practice and experience, you may find certain libraries or cloud platforms allow you to develop the highest-quality models most efficiently. Try out multiple options to determine the best fit for your needs.

Regardless of the specific tool, the key is leveraging ML development platforms to unlock data insights, automation, and predictive capabilities that drive business value. The tools covered here are top choices trusted by both AI experts and enterprise teams alike. By mastering these robust platforms, you’ll be well on your way to developing impactful ML applications.

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