What Can You Learn From Best Entrepreneurs In Namibia [2023]

7 Min Read

There is a lot of prejudice when we are talking about Africa. One of them is that there are no creative, proactive people who innovate on that continent. That just says something about people who spread those rumors. Many entrepreneurs are operating all across Africa, implementing innovations in various industries, from health, and finance, to education and renewable energy sources.

One of the countries that created a friendly environment for entrepreneurs is Namibia. Entrepreneurs in Namibia can count on numerous subventions from the government to help them start their businesses.

Namibia started backing up small businesses and entrepreneurs after they saw how impactful new technologies all over Africa were. Here is the list of the 6 most successful entrepreneurs in Namibia who profited from infrastructural, educational, and financial support they got from the government.

Sylvanie Beukes: Entrepreneur Turned into Business Consultant

Sylvanie Beukes entrepreneurs in namibia
Source: screenshot

Sylvanie Beukes is a new-age Namibian entrepreneur. He’s always developing new projects and actively trying to improve the quality of life in rural communities.

Highly educated and full of life and work experience, he founded a business consultant agency where he mentors other entrepreneurs in Namibia. He is well known for his book “New Money Masters: How Not to make a 100 Million”, published in 2013, where he shared some of his most successful business ideas.

Here you can see Sylvanie Beukes in his talk ‘How Not to Build a Business’, where he is talking about starting a business.

Immanuel Hango: An Entrepreneur Who Got a WHO Appreciation

Immanuel Hango business ideas in namibia
Source: screenshot

Scarcity and quality of water are one of the biggest problems in Africa. Namibian civil engineer Immanuel Hango created a revolutionary method for water purification.

The easiest way to purify water is to sip diluted chlorine in it, but export and transport costs were too high to cover all of Namibia. Hango developed a solution to produce chlorine by electrolyzing salt using 100% solar energy.

His procedure helped to stop the spreading of cholera and hepatitis E in the whole Namibia and throughout African countries. Cholera is caused by bacteria that can be found in dirty water.

Watch his TED Talk in full below: