How To Renovate Office: 11 Best Ideas If You Are On A Budget

11 Min Read

Your office represents your secondary living space, and you will want to make it as much appealing as you can. But if you are on a tight budget but would like a fresh, new look, what are your options? How to renovate office if you don’t have much money to spend on an upgrade?

You have many options at your disposal that don’t cost much, and we got them all covered in our article. You will see how to remodel office space to fit your needs and impress your clients.

Statistics showed about 22,164 businesses spent $35 billion on commercial remodeling in the United States this year. While this number seems too big, you must have in mind that includes both small and big budgets (when companies invest millions of dollars in office renovation). We will also show you how to renovate the office if your budget is almost zero.

When redecorating and remodeling office space, focus on things that employees need. The research discovered 87 percent of workers wish their company offered healthier workspace options, such as ergonomic seating or relaxation room. If you are low on budget, consult with your employees and see what you can provide them so they can be happier and more productive.

To cut long story short, here are some of the best office renovation ideas you can use when you are on a budget.

how to renovate office
Source: Shutterstock

1. Add a Fresh Coat of Paint

Probably the fastest way to refresh your working space is to add a new layer of color to it (or to repaint several walls or most prominent places). This can be a very fun activity you can use for team building with your employees. They can be more involved if you let them choose the color(s) that will be used for the whole process. It is a good idea to pick bright and lively colors that give work élan to people. Darker colors can be used only for small areas to contrast.

2. Give a New Look To Items You Have

One of the most entertaining offices remodel ideas is to repaint your desks or cover chairs with new colorful fabric. This is a very low-cost variant of office space remodeling, but it will look like new after you are finished.

A fresh coat of paint can completely transform an old piece of furniture. Sand down any rough spots and apply a coat of primer before painting to ensure the best results.

3. Rearrange Current Furniture and Layout

The easiest way to redecorate your office (especially if your budget is zero) is to use items you already own and create a new layout. You can also change the purpose of your office’s rooms.

Many businesses today use cubicles. If you are among them, you can switch to an open concept if your employees think that will benefit their communication work atmosphere.

4. Reduce the Clutter

To make a more appealing workspace, you would cut all the things you don’t need. Start with large stuff you won’t be using, like old tables, chairs, or work boards. Ask your employees to cut the clutter from their desks and drawers.

Only keep essential items on your desk, such as your computer, phone, and a few necessary supplies. Store everything else in drawers or on shelves.

Arrange your archive by taking advantage of digital storage options, such as cloud storage or digital file organization software. This way, you will reduce the amount of paper clutter in your office.

office remodel ideas
Source: Shutterstock

5. Replace Flooring

Although this can seem like an expensive redesign idea, you can still get away with a small budget. Yes, the flooring can be expensive, but you can use cheaper materials, like laminate (of course, high-quality ones). Just be sure that your office space can hold up to the daily wear of your employees. The good thing is that you can choose the coloring of your floor, so be creative.

After removing the old flooring, check the subfloor for any damage or unevenness. Repair or level the subfloor as needed. One more thing related to flooring you can do is purchase a robot vacuum cleaner. If your office doesn’t have too many obstacles, it is a great way to cut the costs of cleaning, and you can turn the robot on when no one is in the office.

6. Themed Design

One of the best office refurbishment ideas is to arrange your office according to a theme you and your employees choose. A lot of cool stuff can be found at the flea market and thrift stores.

Many different themes can be used to create a unique and inspiring environment for employees. Some of them are nature-inspired (by adding natural elements like wood, stone, and plants), vintage (using vintage furniture pieces, old-fashioned light fixtures, and muted colors), tech-inspired (modern furniture pieces, metallic accents, and bright colors), or industrial (exposed brick walls, metal accents, and bold colors).

With a bit of inspiration, you can come up with office remodel ideas that will create an original office space. That office will be both better looking and more motivating for your employees.

7. Utilize natural light

Natural light is an excellent way to brighten your space and create a warm and welcoming atmosphere, especially with small office renovation. If possible, move your desk or workspace near a window, or use sheer curtains to allow more light to filter in.

Ensure that the windows are free from obstructions like blinds, curtains, or furniture, which can block natural light from entering the room.

The goal is to create a healthy work environment that maximizes the benefits of natural light.

8. Add Plants

Studies on the effects of nature in the workplace show that adding a bit of greenery around the office has many benefits.

By adding plants, you can live up the space and improve air quality, thus eliminating sick building syndrome. Consider plants such as spider plants, snake plants, or pothos that are easy to care for and can thrive in an office setting.

office renovation ideas
Source: Shutterstock

9. Lose the Posters

People like to hang posters all over office space, but do you need so many? Ask what posters will be nice to have around the office. You can even put it on whiteboards so your employees can write notes and remarks.

Some walls can be blank, you don’t need to hang anything on them. Let people relax by staring at white (or some other color) walls, so they can ease their minds. Put motivational posters, but don’t overdo them.

10. Choose Appliances with Longer Warranty

Whatever appliance you buy for big or small office renovation, always choose ones that last longer. Those will have a longer warranty period. You will save a lot of money on them because you won’t be needing to replace them every few years.

If you have a kitchen in your office (if not, it would be a good idea to add it), a coffee machine, dishwasher, or induction stove should be high-quality ones, because they will be frequently used. Also, many different hands touch the appliances in your kitchen area, so it would be a good idea to use a higher-quality finish.

11. Hire a Student Designer

If you are unsure how to handle renovating of office, you can always ask for professional help. The budget option to remodel office space is to reach out to a senior-year student. They will show you how to renovate office in the way you couldn’t. If you are satisfied with his job, you can even offer him an internship and full-time employment later.

Many students would accept your offer because they need experience and something to create a portfolio, so your costs won’t be high. Some of them even can do that for free.

You will still have full control over the changes, and you can accept or decline their proposals, so you won’t lose much, but you can gain a lot. One of the biggest perks of hiring a student is that they will always have new ideas and new approaches, so you can experiment with your space.

How to Renovate Office: Set a Budget

No matter if you are into dental office renovation, renovation of a call center, or some other office space, you need to set a budget. After you know how much money you can spend, it is much easier to track your purchases.

When you see that your project is going over budget, try cutting costs by picking alternative materials or stuff. You can surely create an amazing office without investing tons of money, but you will need to spend more time shaping and implementing your ideas optimally.

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