Blockchain Helps Side Hustle: 6 Top Ways For Earning Big

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In today’s digital era, side hustles have emerged as a popular way to earn extra income, pursue a passion, or test the waters of entrepreneurship without leaving one’s full-time job. Recently, blockchain technology has been paving the way for various innovative and lucrative side hustles.

Blockchain, a decentralized digital ledger that securely records transactions across multiple computers, is transforming various industries by providing trust, transparency, and efficiency. This technology has opened up opportunities for side hustles in areas like cryptocurrency trading, NFTs, and blockchain consultation. This article explores how blockchain helps side hustle.

1. Cryptocurrency Trading

Cryptocurrency trading is perhaps the most popular blockchain side hustle. With the advent of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, and more, trading these digital assets has become a potentially profitable venture. Essentially, cryptocurrency trading involves buying and selling these digital currencies in the hopes of making a profit.

To start, you will need to open an account with a reputable cryptocurrency exchange. It’s important to ensure that the platform you choose is secure and has a good reputation. The next step is to learn about the market. Cryptocurrencies are notorious for their volatility, meaning their value can fluctuate greatly in a short period of time. This can make trading risky, but it can also lead to significant profits if done correctly.

It’s also important to understand the technology behind these cryptocurrencies. Knowing how blockchain works can give you an edge when trading, as you’ll better understand the factors that influence the market.

blockchain network
Photo: Pixabay

2. Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)

NFTs or non-fungible tokens represent unique digital assets like art, music, or even tweets. These tokens are based on blockchain technology, which certifies their uniqueness and ownership. This means that when you buy an NFT, you’re getting a digital certificate of ownership for a unique asset.

For artists and creators, NFTs can provide a new way to monetize their work. Instead of selling physical artworks or relying on traditional publishing methods, artists can mint their work as NFTs and sell them directly to collectors.

For investors or collectors, buying and selling NFTs can be a lucrative side hustle. Just like physical art, the value of NFTs can increase over time, making them potentially profitable investments.

Artist Mike Winkelmann, also known as Beeple, made headlines when he sold an NFT of his digital artwork for $69 million at Christie’s auction house. Another example is NBA Top Shot, a platform where fans can buy, sell, and trade officially licensed NBA collectible highlights.

3. Blockchain Consultation

As blockchain technology continues to gain traction across various industries, the demand for knowledgeable consultants in the field is growing. Businesses are looking for experts who can help them understand and implement blockchain technology.

A blockchain consultant advises businesses on how they can benefit from blockchain. This could include suggesting ways to enhance efficiency, security, and transparency, or it could involve helping businesses develop a blockchain strategy.

To become a blockchain consultant, you will need to have a deep understanding of blockchain technology and its potential applications. You will also need good communication skills to explain complex concepts in a way that non-technical people can understand.

4. Smart Contract Development

Smart contracts are a key component of many blockchain platforms. They are self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement directly written into code. This code is stored on the blockchain, making the contract transparent, traceable, and irreversible.

If you have coding skills, you can start a side hustle creating and deploying smart contracts for businesses. This could involve writing the code for the contract, testing it to ensure it works correctly, and deploying it on the blockchain.

As more businesses recognize the benefits of smart contracts – such as increased efficiency and reduced risk of fraud – the demand for smart contract developers is likely to increase.

For instance, a developer might create a smart contract for a decentralized finance (DeFi) platform that automatically distributes interest to users who have deposited their cryptocurrency. In the real estate industry, smart contracts could automate the process of transferring property titles after a sale, reducing the need for intermediaries.

blockchain helps side hustle
Photo: Pxfuel

5. Mining Cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency mining involves verifying transactions and adding them to the blockchain’s public ledger. This process involves solving complex mathematical problems, which requires significant computing power.

As a reward for their efforts, miners are usually rewarded with new coins from the cryptocurrency they are mining. This can make mining a potentially profitable side hustle. However, it’s important to note that mining requires a significant initial investment in hardware, and it can be energy-intensive.

6. Blockchain Education

The rise of blockchain technology has created a demand for education in this field. If you have expertise in blockchain, you could start a side hustle teaching others about this technology. This could involve creating online courses, hosting webinars, writing informational blog posts, or offering one-on-one tutoring.

The key to successful blockchain education is to make complex concepts accessible to people with no prior knowledge of the subject. This involves breaking down complex information into easy-to-understand terms and providing practical examples to illustrate your points.

A good example here could be Andreas Antonopoulos, a well-known Bitcoin and blockchain educator. He gives talks, writes books, and hosts a podcast to educate people about blockchain technology. Or consider Ivan on Tech, a popular YouTuber who offers a variety of blockchain and cryptocurrency courses on his academy.


Blockchain technology is reshaping the landscape of side hustles, providing unique opportunities for income and innovation. Whether it’s trading cryptocurrencies, creating NFTs, offering consultancy services, developing smart contracts, mining, or teaching about blockchain, there are numerous ways to leverage this technology.

While blockchain side hustles can be rewarding, it’s crucial to do your research, understand the risks involved, and continually update your skills in this rapidly evolving field. With the right approach, blockchain can turn your side hustle into a significant source of income and potentially a full-time career.

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